Whitepaper: How to Produce Better Board Papers
The quality of board papers can have a strong influence on the efficiency and effectiveness of the board. The attached whitepaper contains our 10 top tips for perfecting the art of producing standout board papers. The value derived from this part of the process shouldn’t be underestimated.
Whitepaper sample
A CEO should inform the board of anything and everything that the board asks to be told, along with everything that the CEO believes the board should be told.
Directors have certain legislative rights through the Companies Act 1993 in respect of carrying out their role. Included in these is the right to receive all internal information concerning the company’s affairs, provided that such information is to be used for proper purpose. While not spelt out in law there is the assumption that, conversely the CEO does not have the right to withhold information from directors when such information is required for the exercise of the directors’ overall responsibilities and, in particular, their duty of care.
Purposeful inquiry is certainly one of a director’s primary skills and tools; however, in exercising this, they should ensure that the purpose of their inquiry is to better meet their governance duties rather than to merely engage in trivial dialogue.